Art and Design Technology
At Orchard Way Primary School, we believe that artistic expression plays an invaluable role in pupils’ lives and learning as they explore their own ideas and feelings through art, and learn to appreciate artwork produced by others.
We are committed to all pupils seeing themselves as artists and providing all pupils with opportunities to engage in learning through art and design. We believe that it is important for children to be exposed to a range of artists; through this they can begin to develop the skills and techniques needed to create many forms of art and begin to develop an appreciation of different cultures, artistic movements and styles. Our approach is skills-based, building on the children’s techniques in painting, drawing, printmaking, textiles, collage and 3D form as they move through the school. Our aim is for the children to make informed choices and responses to their own work and that of others.
Through the exploration of their own ideas and experiences, our pupils will produce creative work and record their observations, using sketchbooks to develop and review their ideas. We believe that this process is an essential means of personal expression and allows our pupils to develop their artistic abilities and creativity.